Compulsory Course:
Foundation Course Paper - I,
Student can choose any one
of the following
a) Physics - Chemistry-Mathematics
b) Chemistry- Botany-Zoology
S.Y. B.Sc. Courses Offered
No of Courses
Semester I
Compulsory Course:
Foundation Course Paper-III,
Student can choose any one
of the following combinaon:
a) Physics - Mathematics
b) Physics - Chemistry
c) Chemistry - Botany
d) Chemistry - Zoology
Note: Subject Combination can be offered depends on certain minimum number of students as fixed by the University in the particular subject.
T.Y. B.Sc. Courses Offered
Physics with Applied Component subject – Electronic Instrumentaon
Chemistry with Applied Component subject – Drugs and Dyes
Zoology with Applied Component subject – Fishery Biology
Botany with Applied Component subject – Horculture and Gardening
Note: Subject Combination and Applied Component can be offered depends on certain minimum number of students as fixed by the University in the particular subject.